The architectural ingredients of the sustainable INDU-ZERO factory
At INDU-ZERO, we want to deliver a product that aims cutting CO2 and making houses energy neutral. A factory of such a scale is having impact on social living, culture, nature preservation and long-term social quality living vision. Therefore, it should not result in a factory that is giving the opposite. INDU-ZERO is redefining sustainability on different topics. Therefore, six ingredients are created and implemented.
1. Attract visitors
As a factory we have a story to tell. Delivering 15.000 renovation packages will have impact on different levels. To see that impact, INDU-ZERO invites people to show what is happening in and around the factory and how this supports the sustainable goals.

2. Fusion with nature
INDU-ZERO does not want to impact nature undesirably. It even compensates on the nature that we are taking in for the factory. As a factory INDU-ZERO will connect with its surroundings by adding green, water and animals to stimulates biodiversity.

3. Iconic circular building
With this factory, INDU-ZERO wants to show a sustainable future perspective on building level, employees' level, regulation level and logistical level. The result of this approach is an iconic circular building that gives expression to the different goals we want to achieve.

4. Attractive and commercial program
INDU-ZERO is more than a factory. By making it a multifunctional place we stimulate collaboration and meeting activity. The scale of the factory gives spaces for extra program such as offices, sporting/fitness, wellness and conference places.

5. Sustainable and healthy environment
Sustainability means also a healthy work environment for the people that work at the INDU-ZERO factory. This goal will be achieved by adding a lot of daylight, greenery, sport facilities and other natural conditions inside and outside to the factory.

6. Integration with infrastructure and connect with nature
With a factory of such a scale, INDU-ZERO needs a proper connection to the infrastructure. With such a scale INDU-ZERO is even able to integrate with the infrastructure. That makes it even possible to connect separated urban areas with each other.