INDU-ZERO as a landscape
The factory of INDU-ZERO is of such a scale that it exceeds the scale of architecture. Therefore we used the decision making process to reach our goal by reconciling the factory with its surroundings and by doing so compensate on the footprint of the factory. The INDU-ZERO factory as a landscape was created. To explain the creation of the INDU-ZERO landscape we use the program of requirements in short to see how these will influence the design.

- production lines + storage
- storage products
- distribution and connection
- docking
- storage/repair/selection
- office space INDU-ZERO
- parking
- fitness/wellness/shops
- experience center/offices
- entrance/open core/visitors
0. Basic factory
With three production lines of each 425 times 66 meters big (1) and two storage areas of 400 times 85 meter (2), we have two big program parts that determine the impact and scale of the factory. The ambition besides having an efficient factory with a functional storage area is to find a way in reconciling the factory with ecology and landscape as compensation for the footprint.

1. Creating interspaces
A solution for reconciling the factory with ecology and landscape is creating interspaces. These spaces can be used for the storage areas (2) to keep them out of sight. By covering them with a green environment we are even able to use this space multiple times.

2. Concentrate program as mark point
The offices and extra program will be concentrated at one point, to make a good mark point for an entrance to the INDU-ZERO factory.

3. Stack program
The storage area of the raw products will be placed on the second floor to minimize the footprint of the factory.

4. Dig out factory for covering
To prevent height, the factory will be placed 2 meters in the ground. The soil being excavated will be used to cover the factory with nature as compensation for the huge footprint of the factory. This solution improves the sustainability of the factory. It stimulates biodiversity on the exterior and generates a stable interior climate as well.

5. Maximize connection with nature
The surroundings of the factory will have 80 – 90% connection with nature. This is possible by concentrating all offices and traffic movements on one side. By adding long slopes, it is possible to access the roof of the factory.

6. Distribution
The traffic movements of the factory will be concentrated around one point. Under the lifted office there are two long slopes where trucks can go up and down to the different storage areas. Visitors can access the factory at the entrance zone.

7. Create landscape
When the design is complete the factory should look like a landscape. A piece of nature with added value. It must be a place that makes ecology and bio-diversity stronger and gives a place for leisure, collection of water, helophyte filters and more.